Help Us Make a Wish Come True


Every year in partnership with Make-A-Wish of Eastern NC, CEEK adopts the wish of a child facing a life-threatening illness. We do this as a reflection of our core values and one of the prominent behavior statements that we embrace as part of our culture – do for one what we wish we could do for many.

This year we intend to help Connor, a 9-year-old boy with a life-threatening heart condition, fulfill his wish to meet Kris Bryant of the Chicago Cubs. To support this wish, we have organized “Soccer with Santa” on December 21 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Thomas Brooks Park in Cary, NC. Children and families can contribute to our cause by challenging a team of Santa’s helpers in various soccer and sports-related reindeer games.

You too can help with one simple act – follow @CEEKLLC on Instagram and/or Twitter. For every new follower of @CEEKLLC on these platforms between now and December 21, CEEK will donate $5 to Connor’s wish, and/or others like it, up to $5,000.

If supporting a great cause is not enough reason to follow us, perhaps the promise of helpful weekly reminders and challenges is. Beginning early in 2019, CEEK plans to begin a weekly video blog covering a broad range of organizational wellness topics. We intend to post these brief, weekly videos on Instagram and Twitter. For a couple minutes each week, you will have access to compelling messages to promote organizational and individual wellness.

If you are interested in attending “Soccer with Santa” feel free to respond directly to this post for additional details. It is an awesome event that your kids will not soon forget. And if anyone is interested, you can see additional details and make a donation to Connor’s wish on the Make-A-Wish website.