CEEK a Better Way to…Healthy Life Balance


CEEK a Better Way to…Healthy Life Balance

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $299.00.

Are you overwhelmed by the chaos of life? Do your professed priorities often fall prey to the daily demands at work and at home? Do you lack balance or struggle to even understand what such a concept might be? Join us for a progressive series of seven, two-hour workshops to take back control of your personal and professional life.

Based on his book Navigate Chaos, Steve Wiley will lead you and your colleagues through a simple, yet effective 5-step process to balance work, family, and other life priorities. You will discover new and creative ways to reinforce the priorities in your life and be given the opportunity to test such concepts between each workshop session. Leveraging the shared experiences of colleagues and a renewed mindset, you will discover a realistic path to personal fulfillment, professional success, and general PEACE. Register now to take back control of your life.

To minimize the impact of this workshop on work and other family or life commitments, we have scheduled these workshop sessions on Fridays during typical lunch hours. CEEK will provide lunch and drink options for all participants. In addition, we will provide workbooks with course content, CEEK journals, and pens. All you have to do is show up, be present, and CEEK a Better Way!

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Beginning Friday January 18, 2019 with each subsequent session on every 3rd Friday until May 24, 2019. Each workshop will run from 11:30am until 1:30pm.

The following provides a brief description of each of the individual sessions included in this series of workshops. Throughout all of these, you will practice applying new distinctions and continue building and strengthening relationships.


Session 1 – Self-Assessments; Goal Setting and Goal Review (January 18, 2019)

Learning begins by knowing where you want to improve. This session will review the work completed in your pre-program guide in order to refine your overarching program goal. We will establish connections with program colleagues and create accountability groups to ensure learning occurs between sessions.


Session 2 – Language & Conversations; Learning to Learn (February 8, 2019)

In this session, you will acquire and begin practicing distinctions related to a new understanding of language and conversations. You will also comprehend the connections between learning, language, moods and emotions, relationships, productivity and emotional well-being.


Session 3 – Listening & Hearing; Beliefs (March 1, 2019)

In this session, you will acquire new distinctions (and deepen existing ones) related to listening and hearing. You will become a more powerful observer of beliefs and of the relationship among our beliefs and a wide variety of our results. You will practice applying new distinctions, especially in areas connected to progress toward personal and professional goals.


Session 4 – The Observer; Observer > Action > Results (March 22, 2019)

In this session, you will understand, at a basic level, how we actually produce results. You will explore the relationships among our language, our moods and emotions, and our physical bodies. In addition, you will understand the power of diversity and how to leverage it to achieve breakthrough results. You will experience a proven problem-solving model.


Session 5 – Assertions & Assessments (April 12, 2019)

In this powerful session, your eyes will become a more powerful observer of the way you use Assertions and Assessments and Declarations. These impact your Results in the nature of your most important relationships, your personal productivity, your ability to work together and solve problems, your public identity, and your and others’ emotional well-being.


Session 6 – Declarations, Requests, Offers, & Promises (May 3, 2019)

In this session, you will comprehend the creative impact of Declarations, Requests, Offers, and Promises, and purposefully use all three to produce desired Results. You will practice using these in workplace and personal situations to more effectively take action and create desired Results, including the achievement of your stated program Goal.


Session 7 – Moods & Emotions; Trust; Next Steps (May 24, 2019)

In this session, you will strengthen your ability to live ‘in the present,’ and to more consciously shape and design your Way of Being. You will become a more powerful observer of the way moods, emotions, and trust impact your ability to see new possibilities and take effective action both personally and professionally, work productively with and through others, create and sustain mutually-beneficial relationship at home and at work, establish and maintain a health public identity, and achieve and sustain emotional and physical health

The Mason Enterprise Center at 4031 University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22030. We will meet in the Training Room on the first floor.